2023 Pumpkin Shootout Champions

2023 Pumpkin Shootout Champions
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MLT Fall #CHAMPSZN continued at the Pumpkin Shootout!
The event welcomed the Tristate area’s top boys’ and girls’ youth teams to the Blue Sky Sports Complex. Seven girls’ champions earned titles, with Jesters, X-Treme Elite and the Greenwich Warriors securing two championships apiece.
CLICK HERE for a look at the girls’ championship photos.
The Tristate’s biggest event of the summer is back on June 22-23 at Blue Sky. CLICK HERE to find out more about the Westchester War Games.
Pumpkin Shootout
Girls’ Champions
2025/26: Jesters 2027 Blue
2027: Jesters 2027 Pink
2028: X-Treme Elite
2029: X-Treme Elite
2o30: Greenwich Warriors
2031: True NJ
2032/33: Greenwich Warriors