MLT Unveils Summer 2021 Events Schedule

MLT Unveils Summer 2021 Events Schedule
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It’s time to set your sights on My Lacrosse Tournaments‘ summer of 2021 schedule!
Thirteen events in six states make up a jam-packed slate of events with something for every caliber of both boys’ and girls’ teams.
New Jersey, North Carolina, New York, Massachusetts, Colorado and Pennsylvania will all host at least one MLT event. The schedule kicks off June 5-6 with the Summer Face-Off at the Capelli Sports Complex in Tinton Falls, N.J., and ends with the Hershey Shootout on July 17-18 at the In The Net Sports Complex in Palmyra, Pa.
As always, the Lax Fest is the centerpiece of the MLT events schedule. Headed into its 13th year, the Lax Fest continues to bring in boys’ and girls’ teams from all over the country. Set this year for Capelli, St. Joseph Metuchen (N.J.) and Blue Sky Polo Club (N.Y.), it’s expected to draw more than 300 teams for the most highly-anticipated weekend of the summer.
“We’re so excited to be able to have see old and new faces at our events this summer,” MLT co-director Sean Chamberlain said. “We’re having so many exceptional events for both boys and girls, and we expect to see many of the best teams in the country there. It’ll be exciting for teams to be able to get back to their normal summer schedules.”
Who: Boys, Varsity-2031
When: June 5-6
Where: Capelli Sports Complex, Tinton Falls, N.J.
Who: Boys, 2022-2024
When: June 6
Where: North Carolina
Who: Boys & Girls, 2025-2030
When: June 12-13
Where: Blue Sky Polo Club, Middletown, N.Y.
Who: Boys & Girls, JV-2029
When: June 12-13
Where: University of Massachusetts, Amherst, Mass.
Who: Boys & Girls, Varsity-2031
When: June 19-20
Where: Capelli Sports Complex, Tinton Falls, N.J.
St. Joseph High School, Metuchen, N.J.
Blue Sky Polo Club, Middletown, N.Y.
Who: Boys Varsity-2030, Girls High School
When: June 26-27
Where: Dove Valley Regional Park, Centennial, Colo.
Who: Boys Varsity-2030
When: June 26-27
Where: Blue Sky Polo Club, Middletown, N.Y.
Who: Girls JV-2030
When: June 26-27
Where: Capelli Sports Complex, Tinton Falls, N.J.
Northeast High School Invitational
Who: Boys & Girls Varsity and JV
When: July 8
Where: Blue Sky Polo Club, Middletown, N.Y.
Who: Boys 2022-2030
When: July 10-11
Where: Iron Peak Sports & Events, Hillsborough, N.J.
Who: Boys 2025-2031
When: July 10
Who: Girls JV-2030
When: July 11
Who: Boys & Girls JV-2031
When: July 17-18
Where: In The Net Sports Complex, Palmyra, Pa.